Multi surface Hygiene cleaner cum sanitizer using classic floor shine UC
Classic floor shine UC: Classic floor shine is a highly concentrated blend of non ionic and cationic surfactant with a disinfectant level of upto 40%. This product can be effectively converted into a high quality floor cleaner. The floor cleaner made using classic floor shine is very effective in cleaning all types of surfaces at the same time providing good protection from a wide range of disease causing virus and bacteria for extended periods of time.
Method of production:
Demineralized water or RO water 8.000 kg
Classic floor shine 1.000 kg
colour 1/2 gram
Fragrance 45 ml
In a plastic bucket measure out the water and to it add classic floor shine and mix well till it dissolves, now add the colour and fragrance and mix for 10 minutes or till you get a clear transparent coloured solution.
Your high quality floor cleaner is ready in minutes.