Welcome to Classic dyechem

Classic dyechem
1010, Rangai gowder street,
Coimbatore - 641001.
Tamil Nadu, South India.

Email id : classicdyechem@gmail.com

Phone: 098431 66021 ( 9:30 am - 8:00 pm)
Mon - Sat
No calls on Sunday & Holidays

About me

I am SS Rajesh kumar a graduate in Engg (Ind & Prodn) from bangalore. I entered in trading dyes and chemicals in the year 1991 and from the year 2000 started manufacture and formulating various home care and industrial care products.

My company classic dye chem is based in coimbatore the manchester of south india and the textile hub. We presently deal in dyes and chemicals and also mfr various types of cleaning products and also mfr various types of surfactant blends for the cleaning industries.

I have started this blog to mainly help small mfrs to make international quality products with the latest formulations and compete on par with the multinational brands in the market. When i started to mfr products i found it very difficult to procure certain speciality chemicals as many were imported and was not offered in smaller quantities and i can imagine the plight of new comers for sourcing these items. So we have decided to give these speciality chemicals in small quantities to help the small investors to grow. We have all the needed chemicals mentioned in our formulations at the most reasonable prices.

I can be reached through my mail classicdyechem@gmail.com for any clarifications and help.