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Thursday, 15 March 2012

Neem based white phenyle using Classimulse NE

Neem based white phenyle (Nature care series)
Nature's way to clean
Benefits of using Neem based white phenyle. 
Neem oil is a natural anti insectiside, which helps in control of insect menace at homes. It is effective against crawling, flying, insects and other common insects like cockroaches, spiders, termites, bugs etc. Most insects cannot develop resistance to Neem oil. Hence it works well in all seasons.

Neem oil works like a charm, it is non toxic, so does not affect environment, plant, pets and humans in any way. Neem oil when comes in contact with the insects, it alters the habits ofinsect feeding and cuts of the reproduction glands, hence insects are unable to lay eggs or reproduce, so over a short period of time, there will be noticable change in places where Neem oil based white phenyle is used.
The inclusion of camphor, eucalyptus, citronella, tend to ward away house flies and mosquitoes. pine oil is a very good disinfectant and also helps in cleaning oil, grease.
The aroma of the white phenyle is very pleasing and long lasting.

Classimulse NE  
classimulse NE is a quality emulsifier made from pure neem oil with a combination of anionic and non ionic surfactants. It works well to emulsify pine oil and other essential oils to make for a high quality white phenyle which possess anti insectiside properties, which normal phenyle do not have.

Anti insect white phenyle concentrate

1. Classimulse NE                        1.000 litre
2. pine oil ( 25 - 28% grade )          1.500 litre
3. Camphor oil                               0.500 ml
4. Eucalyptus oil                            0.060 ml
5. Citronella                                   0.090 ml


In a plastic bucket measure out 1litre of classimulse NE and to it add the remaining ingredients and mix well till you get a clear amber colour transparent solution. Your Neem based anti insec white phenyle concentrate is ready in minutes.


In a plastic bucket measure out 1litre & 50 ml of the white phenyle concentrate and to it add 500 ml of soft water (demineralized water or reverse osmosis water is best )and mix well for 5 minutes.
Now add 2.5 litre soft water and again mix well for 2 - 3 minutes. Now while maintaining mixing add soft water remaining of  16 litres and mix thoroughly for another 5 minutes. your 20 litres white phenyle is ready.

Your anti insect Neem based white phenyle is ready for packaging.